Funny Story

The kids are tucked in every night between 8:30pm and 9pm, and we usually don't hear from either of them after they are in bed. However Sunday night, Isabelle got up about 20 minutes after being in bed and announced she was all done sleeping and climbed up on the sofa with me. When we told her she had to go back to bed, she started crying and grabs a spoon that I was using for my tea, proceeds to put the spoon on her nose....and while the spoon is dangling off her nose she says "but I'll do tricks"!! It was the funniest thing I've heard in weeks!! Where does she come up with this stuff?

(Oh - miss thing did get to stay up for another 30 could we say no to tricks?!)


a Tonggu Momma said...

Now that right there will be a story told round the Thanksgiving dinner table for years to come!

prechrswife said...

That has me laughing out loud! I can't wait to see what our Tonggu crew will get into by the time we get them together. :-)

Alexander's Momma said...

ha! thats hysterical. alexander is a bit of a procrastinator at bed time, as well.