We LOVE Spaghetti

Can't you just see the enjoyment on their faces?

I will admit, I am a terrible cook. But in my repertoire of recipes I can pull off and actually be edible, is spaghetti. The kids love, love, love it - and I love to watch them eat it. They attack it with such gusto, and to be truly honest, I love to hear "Mommy can we have more?". Why? Because it rarely happens!!

Also this particular dinner was special, because after 3 days of having the flu, plus trying to pass a kidney stone, Ryan was actually hungry. Wednesday evening during dinner he told us he thought he had another stone (he just had one in early December), this time on the other side. Around 1am in the morning I called my mom to come over to watch the kids, and we made our first trip into the E.R. Our second trip was made at 11pm Thursday night. This time the wonderful E.R. doctor gave him some stronger meds to help cope with the pain. When I say "stronger", I mean knocked out - I checked him a few times to make sure he was still breathing strong. Holy smokes....good stuff!! He finally passed the damn thing late Saturday night, for which I am soooooooo grateful. Never having had one myself, I don't know the pain involved with having a kidney stone - but after watching him having to bear this (he has a high pain tolerance) I don't ever, EVER want to have one.

(I did not take photos of Ryan enjoying the spaghetti, he didn't look up for it.......but he did have seconds too!!)


prechrswife said...

Love the spaghetti pictures. Sorry to hear Ryan has been under the weather (to put it mildly), but very glad to hear he is doing better.

Kendrah said...

UGH! Did I curse you by bringing you in my nasty kidney stone story to your office, you think it's in our water?? If so I'm sueing that damn Allendale Township. I'm still fighting the stone on the right, I'm thinking another surgery may have to be in our future. Tell Ryan I have a strainer if he needs one...:)

Alexander's Momma said...

oh no! i didn't know about ryan! i hope he's feeling better!