I've been Tagged!!!

Thank you to my dear friend Kim. She lives in very cold Minnesota, and I think we are long lost sisters!! We have a ton in common (and when I say a ton, I mean a ton...it's almost scary)!! I love her blog (visit at http://www.coffeechocolateandachat.blogspot.com/), and she has the most adorable kids!! Isabelle and Jaiden are Tonggu sisters, so that makes Kim and I family!! Thanks Kim, you made my day.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your posts, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I have a potty mouth. There..I said it. For those of you who know me well, you already knew this. To those of you who don't, please don't think any less of me. My favorite word in the english language is damn. I know - terrible. I'm surprised we haven't received a phone call from school, telling us that Cooper has a mouth like a sailor!! I blame my parents. Growing up we were never allowed to call each other stupid, but I could say "shit". Huh?

2. I have a small shoe problem. I LOVE SHOES.

3. I can't cook to save my life, however I can bake like nobody's business. In fact, I'm so confident in my baking skills I'm calling out Martha Stewart!! Too bad, my family can't eat cheesecake for dinner every night!!

4. I am spontaneous, and tend not to think things thru before I do them. Thank goodness for Ryan and his patience with me. He keeps me grounded.

5. Next to the Lord, my family means everything to me. I have been blessed with the most amazing husband, 2 fabulous kids, and the best parents/parents-in-law, sisters, brothers, neices, nephews and grandparents on this earth. I am truly blessed.

6. I'm not shy, and sometimes just plain outspoken. What can I say, I'm a Kooiker by birth (again, not really my fault!!)

7. I'm having a hard time coming up with a 7th fact. Ummm.....how about, I wish I had a huge flower garden. In fact, I would like to own a greenhouse. I could spend days and days in greenhouses. I love to get my hands dirty, and feel dirt. I love the fact, the my kids also like to do this. I must be teaching them a little something good...not all bad stuff!!

So, now I'm supposed to Tag 7 other people - however, everyone I know has already been tagged so I am going to list a few blogs that I follow:

1. http://ourlittletongginator.blogspot.com/ (another Tonggu sister, and Tonggu Momma has the best sense of humor!!)
2. http://ourfamilysvoyage.blogspot.com/ (the T. family are part of our travel family to China)
3. http://www.jewels-of-my-heart.blogspot.com/
4. http://www.lanternsandlotusblossoms.blogspot.com/
5. http://gobbeldays.blogspot.com/ (sorry, it's a private blog!! However the little man the blog focuses on is ADORABLE!!)


prechrswife said...

I did this one the other day--in fact, I'm the one who tagged Kim. :-) I don't think I can come up with 7 more random facts, so here is the link to the other post: http://ourfamilysvoyage.blogspot.com/2008/10/tagged.html

a Tonggu Momma said...

Done and completed...as assigned... but, like Dusty, a few days ago. :D


Alexander's Momma said...

he is adorable, isn't he :)

alexander has said a few choice things here and there, but we've found it works wonders to just ask like its totally normal. we rarely hear the word again!

love you!

Kim said...

You're so sweet! I think its funny that you have a potty mouth...I probably would have because my Daddy used to curse like a sailor but my Mom made sure it didn't rub off on me...she is quite the intimidator when she wants to be...I must have had the fear of Jimmy Dickens in me from a young age Haha...uh oh I've discovered ONE thing we don't share in common...but I kinda wish we did...I do not have a shoe fettish...Its so hard for me to find a cute pair of shoes that I can go for months and months just looking for ONE pair and then when I find that one pair that fits just right I wear it until it is pathetically and totally unwearable before I start to search that next pair out. I see lots of shoes that I would like to be able to wear but my feet are funny and ugly and I won't do them justice so I don't try. I have found clogs to be my friends...I can easily slip out of them (I would rather go barefoot than anything else) Jaiden loves shoes too though so I get to live out my wish of wanting to buy the cute shoes now that I actually have someone that can wear them....does that count :) She has dozens of pairs of shoes...so I guess I do in a way LOVE shoes...just not for myself

I didn't know you liked gardening too..that is neat. I would love to have a greenhouse too...one heavy enough that it won't go flying over the fence in a windstorm...or lose power during a hard freeze.